Program Topic: Leadership in Action
Join us for our monthly Business Luncheon where we shed some light on specific topics and have opportunities to expand your network.
Brig Gen (Ret.) Kristin Goodwin recently wrapped up 32 years of service in the Air Force serving as Deputy Commanding General for Support (DCG-S), Headquarters Space Operations Command (HQ SpOC), Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. The path that led her to that position started as an Air Force Academy Cadet here in Colorado Springs. Then off to pilot training where she began her aviation career mastering 9 different aircraft including the B-52 and the B-2 Stealth Bomber.
Gen Goodwin was part of the planning team for "Shock and Awe" and led the planning of air operations for night one of Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya. She has commanded at the Squadron, Wing, and HQ Staff level. Four tours through the Pentagon, the Bangkok Embassy, Thailand, and Senior Military assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force are just a few of her accolades.
General Goodwin promises to give an enlightening, inspiring ,and hip look at "Leadership in Action”.
Our Speaker
Brig. Gen Kristin Goodwin, retired
(Air Force Biography as of August 2021)
Brig. Gen. Kristin E. Goodwin is Deputy Commanding General for Support, Headquarters Space Operations Command, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. In this capacity, she leads military and civilian personnel responsible for the development of policy, guidance, training and programming for human capital, mission sustainment, resource management and special programs, supporting 38,000 space and cyberspace professionals assigned to 134 locations worldwide. Brig. Gen. Goodwin also guides the management of the life cycle sustainment of the U.S. Space Force’s space and cyberspace systems. As DCG-S, Brig. Gen. Goodwin oversees a human capital team that develops and directs U.S. Space Force policy for force structure analysis, military personnel programs, civilian personnel, manpower, readiness, equal opportunity and family support, and also serves as the lead for resource planning, programming, budget execution, accounting and audit services in support of U.S. Space Force units.
Brig. Gen. Goodwin graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and earned her pilot wings in 1995 from Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas. She served in various assignments as a command pilot with more than 2,900 hours in multiple aircraft platforms, including the B-52, B-2, EC-130, C-130, T-38, T-1, T-37 and T-53. She commanded the 509th Operations Support Squadron and the 2nd Bomb Wing, leading the B-52 back into combat for the first time in a decade. Brig. Gen. Goodwin also oversaw the incorporation of the B-2 into theater operational plans while integrating policies, standards and procedures for B-2 training and combat employment. She was part of the planning team for night one of the “shock and awe” airstrike campaign during Operation Iraqi Freedom and also led the planning of air operations for night one of Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya.
Brig. Gen. Goodwin was a National Defense Fellow and served as a Pacific region political advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force in the Bangkok Embassy, Thailand, addressing counter-insurgency, port security and refugee issues. She was also hand-selected to serve as the Deputy Director of the Commander’s Action Group, U.S. Pacific Command, where she was responsible to the Commander for the development of strategic concepts, theater engagement planning with regional leaders and annual Congressional testimony. Brig. Gen. Goodwin spent her fourth tour in Washington, D.C., as the senior military assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force. Prior to assuming her current position, the general was Commandant of Cadets, U.S. Air Force Academy; Chief of Staff, Joint Force Space Component Command; Director of Transformation, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command; and Chief of Staff and Space Operations Command lead for the reengineering and design of the Initial Operating Capability effort for U.S. Space Force’s first operating field command.
Approximate program timeframe:
11:00 am - Registration & open networking
11:30 am - Lunch is served
12:00 pm - Program begins
1:00 pm - Event concludes
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